Table 1:

Baseline characteristics of patients aged 75 years or older who were admitted at least twice over a 12-month period to the general medicine service, stratified by Hospital Frailty Risk Score category

CharacteristicHospital Frailty Risk Score category;* no. (%) of patients
n = 1767
n = 9464
n = 10 947
Age, yr, median (IQR)86 (82–90)86 (81–90)84 (80–89)
Sex, male739 (41.8)4327 (45.7)5061 (46.2)
From nursing home662 (37.5)2560 (27.0)1689 (15.4)
ICU admission before hospital admission110 (6.2)393 (4.2)351 (3.2)
Charlson Comorbidity Index score
 0322 (18.2)2135 (22.6)2485 (22.7)
 1146 (8.3)1231 (13.0)1726 (15.8)
 ≥ 21299 (73.5)6098 (64.4)6736 (61.5)
LAPS, median (IQR)22 (11–36)22 (11–35)21 (10–33)
Admitted on weekend464 (26.3)2421 (25.6)2803 (25.6)
Admitted in evening or overnight1341 (75.9)7218 (76.3)8181 (74.7)
Discharge diagnosis
 Heart failure79 (4.5)778 (8.2)1330 (12.1)
 COPD37 (2.1)319 (3.4)775 (7.1)
 Pneumonia99 (5.6)509 (5.4)593 (5.4)
 Urinary tract infection134 (7.6)684 (7.2)334 (3.1)
 Cognitive disorder§225 (12.7)697 (7.4)342 (3.1)
 Sepsis113 (6.4)497 (5.3)336 (3.1)
 Aspiration pneumonitis169 (9.6)575 (6.1)354 (3.2)
 Gastrointestinal bleed33 (1.9)203 (2.1)314 (2.9)
 Renal failure38 (2.2)250 (2.6)219 (2.0)
  • Note: COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ICU = intensive care unit, IQR = interquartile range, LAPS = Laboratory-based Acute Physiology Score.

  • * High = score > 15, moderate = score 5–15, and low = score < 5.

  • Except where noted otherwise.

  • Between 1700 and 0800.

  • § Includes “delirium” and “dementia.”