Table 2:

Description of frequently reported post-COVID-19 symptoms

Type of symptomRepresentative quotation
Tachycardia/hypotension“Any time I rise or change position, my heart rate goes really high, 140 usually, and then my blood pressure drops … every time I stand up, every time I get moving. And then it causes dizziness, nausea, all those fun symptoms.” (F1)
Dyspnea“It would take me an hour to walk up the flight of stairs and back down … ‘cause I was so short of breath.” (F5)
Exercise capacity“I can go out to take the garbage bin down, and I sound like I ran a mile coming back into the house. I’m panting and my heart rate is just — it’s wild.” (F2)
Sleep problems“I’ll sleep for 20 minutes and then I’ll be awake … when you add that all up, it’s like 3 hours of sleep I’ve had, but all broken up.” (F10)
Headache“One of my goals is I want to have a day without a headache. I don’t even remember what that’s like.” (F3)
Pain“I was just hurting, my muscles and joints were just hurting so bad, I could hardly move around … I was in so much pain all over, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.” (F9)
Fatigue“I could do … a kids’ puzzle for 15 minutes, and I would have to rest physically and cognitively for 14 hours and try again the next day.” (F6)
Memory impairment“I haven’t been able to remember what I had for supper the next day for a year.” (F4)
Brain fog“The memory fog is horrible. I used to have a mind of a steel trap, now I’m the Post-it note girl.” (F6)
Word-finding difficulty“I started losing words, so I forgot the word for spoon. I forgot the function of a spoon, I was trying to get food from a container into another container and I thought, ‘if only there is a tool that I can use to get this food from here to there,’ and I couldn’t think of a spoon.” (F7)
Tinnitus“I’ve got ringing ears since May of 2020 … falling asleep, that can sometimes be a problem … I know I’ve overdone it if my ears are extra loud ringing.” (F8)
Phantosmia“I thought I was crazy because I’d say to my husband, ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I keep smelling this smell,’ and he’d go, ‘I don’t smell it’ …, it was bizarre and you think you’re losing your marbles because you’d smell this smell.” (F9)
Anxiety“I’m always scared I’m going to have a heart attack … . If I go too far, am I going to have a heart attack, and I’m by myself, so I try not to push too hard.” (F9)
Depression“It’s hard to try and stay optimistic … you can get down in the dumps and be like, [sighs] this sucks. You do get into that depressive state and ‘am I ever gonna get better?’ And if I’m not, what’s the point?” (F6)
“You feel like you’re a burden to everybody. And it’s not — when you’re sick, and then you feel like you’re a waste of skin to people. It’s not a conducive thing for healing or getting better.” (F1)
Suicidal ideation“I probably would’ve killed myself at the rate I was going. ‘Cause it’s a steep decline.” (F5)