Table 1:

Baseline patient characteristics at admission

CharacteristicNo. (%) of patients*p value
Without PPI
n = 799
With PPI
n = 1080
Age, yr, mean ± SD79.5 ± 6.279.3 ± 6.40.39
Sex, female325 (40.7)510 (47.2)0.005
Surgical ward131 (16.4)172 (15.9)0.78
Charlson Comorbidity Index, mean ± SD2.5 ± 2.02.9 ± 2.10.002
No. of chronic medications at admission, mean ± SD8.7 ± 3.411.3 ± 4.4< 0.001
OPERAM intervention arm372 (46.6)534 (49.4)0.22
Study site< 0.001
 Belgium (Louvain)122 (15.3)284 (26.3)
 Ireland (Cork)187 (23.4)151 (14.0)
 The Netherlands (Utrecht)116 (14.5)214 (19.8)
 Switzerland (Bern)374 (46.8)431 (39.9)
Potential PPI indication406 (50.8)584 (54.1)0.16
 Gastrointestinal bleeding4 (0.5)4 (0.4)0.67
 Gastroduodenal ulcer12 (1.5)30 (2.8)0.06
 Barrett esophagus01 (0.1)0.38
 Acute gastritis00NA
 Gastroesophageal reflux disease13 (1.6)52 (4.8)< 0.001
Helicobacter pylori infection01 (0.1)0.39
 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug54 (6.7)91 (8.4)0.18
 Antiplatelet cotherapy361 (45.2)513 (47.5)0.32
  • Note: NA = not applicable, OPERAM = Optimizing Therapy to Prevent Avoidable Hospital Admissions in Multimorbid Older Adults, SD = standard deviation.

  • * Unless indicated otherwise.

  • The sum of all potential PPI indications is more than the number of patients with a potential PPI indication, because some patients had more than 1 indication.