Table 5:

Suggestions — subthemes identified in interview data with quotations

SubthemeExample quotations
Preparation“[Look] at the list that you are going to assign the residents the night before … look at what learning objectives you want the residents to get out of each case. And you could either assign readings around that or tell the residents, these are the objectives that you need to know. Do whatever it takes to figure it out.” (F8)
Resources“Having [a] dedicated space for where these clinics are being conducted, [for example,] clinics that were previously for in-person clinics [could] now become a [virtual care] station.” (R2)
Technology“And those technologies need to be better streamlined, easier to access for patients, less work for the secretary to be able to book the patients and support the patients. We need better virtual technologies where the patients find them easier to use and require less support. And they need to have requirements for less bandwidth so that they don’t crash and there are not so many audio-visual barriers and challenges to getting through them successfully.” (F5)
Education and support“I would say maybe having a formal organized approach about how we should be doing these types of assessments. Maybe having, for example, a brief introduction early on about how we can maybe simplify that type, because I feel that each person is doing it on [their] own experience.” (FG1)
Clinic efficiency“When you shift to virtual it takes longer for everything. It takes longer to get set up with the patients, and it takes longer to contact them and to communicate …” (F8)
Next steps“I think [virtual care] will be something that I will offer patients [in my future practice]. I don’t think it is a lot more convenient for physicians, but for patients it is something that we can offer them … I think it is going to be part of my practice next year.” (R5)