Table 2:

Participants’ beliefs about mental health transfers (from questionnaire) (n = 10)

Police or security are required for safe transfer1–32 (n = 4), 3 (n = 4)
Handcuffs are required for safe transfer0–11 (n = 6)
Using police or security officers for mental health transfers is stigmatizing1–43 (n = 5)
Using restraints routinely for mental health transfers is stigmatizing2–44 (n = 7)
Clinicians and individuals transporting students to hospital have a good working relationship1–33 (n = 4)
Where police/security officers are involved in student transfers, a risk assessment by the clinician issuing a Form 1 is considered in determining whether restraints are used0–43 (n = 6)
Where police/security officers are involved in student transfers, officers appear skilled and confident in assessing risk in order to determine whether restraints are used0–42 (n = 5)
  • * Response options ranged from 0 (“Disagree strongly”) to 4 (“Agree strongly”).

  • Most frequently occurring value.