Table 1:

Site characteristics*

Type of site, no. (%)
 Shelter26 (81.3)
 Rooming house1 (3.1)
 Drop-in centre1 (3.1)
 Other9 (28.1)
Site specialty, no. (%)
 Women8 (25.0)
 Refugees4 (12.5)
 Low-barrier§3 (9.4)
 Other19 (59.4)
 None reported2 (6.3)
Resident and staff numbers and capacity, median (range)
 Resident capacity before COVID-1970 (0–300)
 Resident capacity since COVID-1936 (0–300)
 Current number of residents36 (0–300)
 Number of staff before COVID-1925 (0–129)
 Number of staff since COVID-1924.5 (1–200)
Room occupancy type for residents, no. (%)
 Shared rooms**16 (50.0)
 Single rooms12 (37.5)
 Non-sleeping facility4 (12.5)
IPC measures in place, no. (%)
 Had IPC policies before COVID-1920 (62.5)
 Changed IPC policies since COVID-1925 (78.1)
 Had adequate hand sanitizer, soap, tissues, lined garbage cans and no-touch garbage cans at the time of the needs assessment25 (78.1)
 Had adequate supplies of PPE at the time of needs assessment20 (62.5)
  • Note: IPC = infection prevention and control, PPE = personal protective equipment.

  • * For the first 32 sites supported by the COVID-19 Community Response Team.

  • Respondents could select all that applied.

  • Other types: respite, supportive housing, mixed-model housing, recovery centre for homeless and underhoused individuals, support service teams (i.e., mobile outreach) and satellite for physical distancing.

  • § Low-barrier facilities work to remove as many “exclusion criteria” to entry as possible and seek to support the needs and realities of any individual seeking shelter.

  • Other specialties: pet-friendly, human reduction, violence against women, co-ed, men only, long-term stay, high-needs individuals and intake facilities.

  • ** Ongoing use of shared rooms depended on the site (i.e., dormitory-style shelters continued to use shared rooms, but shelters with the ability to convert to single rooms had done so to optimize physical distancing).