Table 2:

Demographic characteristics of primary and secondary outbreak cases

VariableNo. (%)*
Primary cases (n = 58)
 Age, yr, mean (range)
  Overall62 (19–97)
  Patients79 (24–97)
  Visitors75 (71–78)
  Staff41 (19–62)
 Case classification
  Patient31 (54)
  Visitor2 (3)
  Staff25 (43)
 Sex, female
  Overall38 (66)
  Patients14 (45)
  Visitors2 (100)
  Staff22 (88)
  Community5 (9)
  Hospital53 (91)
 Symptoms at time of diagnosis
  Symptomatic42 (72)
  Asymptomatic16 (28)
 Staff role
  Nurse or student nurse19
  Health care aide1
  Housekeeping staff1
  Security guard1
  Service attendant1
 Critical care admissions1 (2)
 Deaths11 (19)
Secondary cases linked to the outbreak (n = 13)
 Age, yr, mean (range)39 (3–84)
 Sex, female2 (15)
 Type of contact
  Household contact of patient4 (31)
  Household contact of visitor1 (8)
  Household contact of staff8 (61)
  • * Except where noted otherwise.

  • Occurred in 1 staff member who contracted the infection from a patient with underlying dementia and wandering behaviour.

  • All deaths occurred in the hospital inpatient group. No deaths occurred in staff members or visitors linked to the outbreak.