Table 2:

Base-case results of 100 simulations of 100 000 people in Ontario with lifetime risk of Lyme disease

OutcomesMean incidence per 100 000 (95% CI)Proportion of mean incidence of total LD infections, %*Median incidence per 100 000 (IQR)Proportion of median incidence of total LD infections, %*
Total LD infections333 (329–337)334 (320–346)
 Diagnosed cases308 (304–311)92.5308 (294–321)92.2
 Early localized107 (105–109)32.1108 (100–116)32.3
  Clinically diagnosed44 (43–46)13.245 (38–49)13.5
  Laboratory-confirmed63 (62–64)18.963 (58–68)18.9
 Early disseminated (laboratory-confirmed)137 (134–140)41.1137 (129–144)41.0
 Late disseminated (laboratory-confirmed)63 (61–65)18.963 (58–69)18.9
 Undiagnosed cases26 (25–27)7.826 (22–29)7.8
 Reinfections4 (3–4)1.24 (2–5)1.2
 Early disseminated stage
  Cardiac20 (19–20)6.019 (17–22)5.9
  Cranial nerve palsy8 (7–8)2.49 (6–10)2.7
  Multiple erythema migrans12 (12–13)3.612 (10–15)3.6
  Neurological (meningitis, polyneuropathy)4 (3–4)1.23 (2–5)0.9
 Late disseminated stage
  Arthritic14 (13–15)4.214 (12–16)4.2
  Cognitive9 (9–10)2.79 (7–11)2.7
 All stages
  PTLDS34 (33–35)10.234 (31–37)10.2
 Undiscounted112.6 (109.6–115.4)113.0 (105.7–120.1)
 Discounted (1.5%)84.5 (82.9–86.1)84.6 (78.6–88.8)
  • Note: CI = confidence interval, IQR = interquartile range, LD = Lyme disease, PTLDS = post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, QALY = quality-adjusted life-year.

  • * Mean and median frequency may not sum up exactly because of rounding.