Table 3:

Risks associated with colonoscopy in FOBT-based screening programs for colorectal cancer

Study locationNo. of patientsAscertainmentFOBTPolyp removal, %Follow-upEvent; rate, per 10 000
British Columbia (current study)96 192Phone call 14 d after colonoscopyFIT6514 d446260.3
Basque, Spain1439 254Hospital admission dataFITNR30 d1002762NR
Denmark1514 671Chart review of cases identified through hospital admission dataFIT5514 d for bleeding
30 d for other SAEs
90 d for death
Slovenia1613 919Physician and/or patient had option of mailing standardized form to programFITNRNR883NR
England17130 831Mailed questionnaire 30 d after colonoscopyGuaiac
5330 d1426650
Alsace, France1810 277Phone call 1 d after and mailed questionnaire 30 d after colonoscopyGuaiac
4930 d24310300
Gotland, Sweden192984Hospital admission dataGuaiac
4030 d100101400
  • Note: FIT = fecal immunochemical test, FOBT = fecal occult blood test, NR = not reported, SAE = serious adverse event.