Table 1:

Variables measured in the What Comes Next Cohort and variables available for future planned linkages

Category and sourceVariablesBaselineFollow-up
 Chart reviewEthnicity
Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry
No. of biological children
 Registered Persons DatabaseAge
Vital status
Urban v. rural neighbourhood
Neighbourhood income quintile
 Ontario Marginalization DatabaseOntario Marginalization Index
 IRCCImmigration status
 ORG–DeathsCause of death
 CIHI-DAD, NACRS, OHIP, SDSAggregated Diagnosis Groups
 Comorbidity-specific data sets*Asthma, hypertension, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease, COPD, stroke, HIV, dementia
Genetic testing: chart reviewDate of genetic counselling
Site of genetic counselling
Results of previous testing
Reason for testing
Date of testing
Site of testing
Test type
Test result
Family cancer history: chart reviewNo. of first-degree maternal relatives with breast cancer
No. of second-degree maternal relatives with breast cancer
No. of first-degree maternal relatives with ovarian cancer
No. of second-degree maternal relatives with ovarian cancer
No. of first-degree paternal relatives with breast cancer
No. of second-degree paternal relatives with breast cancer
No. of first-degree paternal relatives with ovarian cancer
No. of second-degree paternal relatives with ovarian cancer
Personal cancer history
 Chart reviewType of cancer
Stage at diagnosis
Age at diagnosis
 Ontario Cancer RegistryDate of cancer diagnosis
Morphologic type
Histologic type
Stage at diagnosis
Treating physicians: CPDBAge
Years in practice
Hospital: INSTHospital no.
Hospital setting (academic v. non-academic)
Hospital admissions:* CIHI-DADDate of admission
Reason for admission
Length of stay
Emergency department visits:* NACRSDate of visit
Reason for visit
Surgical history: OHIP, CIHI-DAD, SDSType of surgery
Date of surgery
Breast or pelvic screening or diagnostic imaging: OHIP, OBSPDate of imaging
Date of biopsy
Radiation treatment:* ALR, OHIPBody region irradiated
Dates of planning and treatment
Course of treatment
Dose per fraction
Intent of treatment
Chemotherapy:* ALR, NDFPDate of treatment
Line of therapy
Intent of treatment
Drug administered
Dose administered
  • Note: ALR = cancer-related activity level reporting, CIHI = Canadian Institute for Health Information, COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CPDB = Corporate Provider Database, DAD = Discharge Abstract Database, INST = Institution Information System, IRCC = Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Permanent Resident Database, NACRS = National Ambulatory Care Reporting System, NDFP = New Drug Funding Program, OBSP = Ontario Breast Screening Program, OHIP = Ontario Health Insurance Plan, ORG = Office of the Registrar General, SDS = same-day surgery.

  • * Requires linkages not yet performed but available for future studies.