Table 4:

Family and personal cancer history by test result

VariableResult of predictive testing*; no. (%) of participantsResult of nonpredictive testing; no. (%) of participants
n = 955
n = 1341
n = 1078
n = 1175
n = 11 437
Family cancer history
Breast cancer
 First-degree relatives with breast cancer524 (43.7)675 (56.3)449 (7.2)530 (8.5)5269 (84.3)
  1 relative413 (44.2)521 (55.8)362 (7.3)409 (8.2)4,201 (84.5)
  ≥ 2 relatives111 (41.9)154 (58.1)87 (6.8)121 (9.5)1068 (83.7)
 Second-degree relatives with breast cancer545 (42.1)749 (57.9)501 (7.9)540 (8.5)5275 (83.5)
  1 relative322 (43.0)426 (57.0)325 (8.0)337 (8.3)3378 (83.6)
  ≥ 2 relatives223 (40.8)323 (59.2)176 (7.7)203 (8.9)1897 (83.3)
 First- or second-degree relatives with breast cancer769 (42.3)1050 (57.7)717 (7.6)802 (8.5)7903 (83.9)
  1 relative329 (42.5)445 (57.5)340 (7.7)367 (8.3)3708 (84.0)
  ≥ 2 relatives440 (42.1)605 (57.9)377 (7.5)435 (8.7)4195 (83.8)
Ovarian cancer
First-degree relatives with ovarian cancer216 (45.8)256 (54.2)195 (12.8)142 (9.3)1187 (77.9)
  1 relative195 (45.8)231 (54.2)184 (12.8)131 (9.1)1123 (78.1)
  ≥ 2 relatives21 (45.7)25 (54.3)11 (12.8)11 (12.8)64 (74.4)
 Second-degree relatives with ovarian cancer225 (40.5)330 (59.5)175 (11.0)144 (9.1)1267 (79.9)
  1 relative189 (41.7)264 (58.3)158 (11.4)122 (8.8)1107 (79.8)
  ≥ 2 relatives36 (35.3)66 (64.7)17 (8.5)22 (11.1)160 (80.4)
 First- or Second-degree relatives with ovarian cancer392 (42.8)523 (57.2)323 (11.6)255 (9.1)2212 (79.3)
  1 relative301 (43.7)388 (56.3)259 (11.4)195 (8.6)1820 (80.0)
  ≥ 2 relatives91 (40.3)135 (59.7)64 (12.4)60 (11.6)392 (76.0)
Personal cancer history
Breast cancer
 Unaffected at time of testing806 (38.4)1293 (61.6)531 (9.0)457 (7.8)4893 (83.2)
 Affected at time of testing149 (75.6)48 (24.4)547 (7.0)718 (9.2)6544 (83.8)
 Age at diagnosis, yr, mean ± SD47.2 ± 12.855.6 ± 13.644.4 ± 10.648.8 ± 12.150.3 ± 11.7
Ovarian cancer
 Unaffected at time of testing920–925 (40.7–40.9)1335–1341 (59.1–59.3)817 (6.7)1044 (8.6)10 289 (84.7)
 Affected at time of testing30–35 (85.7–100)< 6 (0–14.3)261 (16.9)131 (8.5)1148 (74.5)
 Age at diagnosis, yr, mean ± SD54.6 ± 12.853.9 ± 9.656.4 ± 13.560.0 ± 12.1
Other cancers
 Pancreas7 (6.6)10 (9.4)89 (84.0)
 Colorectal7 (9.6–10.3)< 6 (0–6.8)61 (83.6–89.7)
 Endometrial7 (6.0)14 (12.1)95 (81.9)
 Other18 (3.8)26 (5.5)428 (90.7)
No. of cancers
 0736 (37.3)1237 (62.7)266 (7.1)287 (7.7)3190 (85.2)
 1199 (68.2)93 (31.8)704 (7.9)815 (9.1)7415 (83.0)
 ≥ 220 (64.5)11 (35.5)108 (10.7)73 (7.2)832 (82.1)
  • Note: SD = standard deviation, VUS = variant of uncertain significance.

  • * Predictive testing refers to familial testing for a specific risk-increasing variant known to be carried by a family member of the individual being tested.

  • Except where indicated otherwise. Values for small cells are presented as ranges or suppressed (where value < 6) to prevent back-calculation.

  • Nonpredictive testing refers to founder testing for the 3 variants carried in highest frequency among the Ashkenazi Jewish population and complete analysis of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Thirty-three women underwent predictive testing for and were found to carry a VUS previously identified in a family member; these women are included in the VUS column.