Table 2:

Summary of proposed definitions for trimester-specific upper limit of normal home blood pressure

ReferencePopulationMethodFirst trimesterSecond trimesterThird trimester
SBP, mm HgDBP, mm HgSBP, mm HgDBP, mm HgSBP, mm HgDBP, mm Hg
Lo et al. (23)NormalMean ± 2 SD1328213079133/138*81/88*
Rey et al. (25)Normal and hypertensive90th percentile1398913787138/140/14389/90/92
Denolle (28)NormalMean ± 2 SD118731177312180
Denolle (28)Normal95th percentile116701137011876
Mikami et al. (30)NormalRegression line from standardized major axis methods120.883.5124/127§84/86§13689
Vestgaard et al. (34)NormalMean ± 2 SD117741167312378
  • Note: DBP = diastolic blood pressure, SBP = systolic blood pressure, SD = standard deviation.

  • * Blood pressure measured at 27–30 weeks and 35–37 weeks gestational age.

  • Blood pressure measured at < 20 weeks gestational age.

  • Blood pressure measured at 28–32 weeks, 33–36 weeks and > 36 weeks gestational age.

  • § Blood pressure measured at 12–20 weeks and 20–24 weeks gestational age.