Table 1:

Weighted frequencies of baseline characteristics among participants, according to cost-related medication underuse (CRMU) in the previous 12 months*

VariableWeighted population with CRMU, %Weighted population without CRMU, %p value
Age, yr< 0.001
 ≥ 6532.953.9
Sex< 0.001
Racial background< 0.001
Marital status< 0.001
Self-perceived health< 0.001
 Very good11.829.1
Self-perceived mental health< 0.001
 Very good32.135.2
Total household income, $< 0.001
 < 20 00019.49.0
 20 000–39 99932.420.1
 40 000–59 99921.017.4
 60 000–79 99911.614.3
 ≥ 80 00015.639.2
 Less than secondary school16.917.9
 Secondary school24.023.2
 Postsecondary education59.158.9
Working status (previous week)0.004
 Worked at a job or business34.041.5
 Absent from work or business3.65.1
 Did not have a job62.453.4
Insurance for prescription medications< 0.001
Cancer status0.941
 Current diagnosis20.820.6
Overnight hospital visits in the previous 12 months< 0.001
Worried food would run out in the previous 12 months< 0.001
 Often true23.21.8
 Sometimes true19.54.4
 Never true57.393.8
Comorbidities< 0.001
 No comorbidities5.915.8
 One comorbidity19.023.1
 More than 1 comorbidity75.161.1
  • * Of the 109 660 respondents to the Canadian Community Health Survey 2015/16, 8581 eligible participants were included in the current study (460 participants [weighted frequency 5%] who reported CRMU; 8121 participants who did not report CRMU [weighted frequency 95%]).

  • Some respondents were missing information for the following variables: marital status (n = 20), self-reported health (n = 40), self-reported mental health (n = 21), income (n = 8), education (n = 119), food security (n = 3033), working status (n = 2555), comorbidities (n = 353).

  • Comorbidities: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, arthritis, osteoporosis, hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus, migraine, mood disorder and anxiety disorder.