Table 1:

Model parameters

ParameterValue (range)Source
Age, yr, mean35.9Patient data from MRHC
Age at symptom onset, yr55 (36–84)Whitty et al. (21)
 Of patient being female0.487Patient data from MRHC
 Of patient being infected0.232 (0.181–0.293)Patient data from MRHC
 Of test result being positive, given presence of infection0.99NRCP (22)
 Of test result being negative, given absence of infection0.90NRCP (22)
 Of patient consenting to screening test0.98Patient data from MRHC
 Of patient accepting treatment, given positive test result0.88 (0.82–0.94)Patient data from MRHC
 Of patient accepting empiric treatment0.88 (0.82–0.94)Patient data from MRHC
 Of patient being cured by treatment0.88 (0.799–0.929)Whitty et al., (21) Danso-Appiah et al. (23)
 Of hepatosplenic (v. urinary) involvement, given infection0.45Patient data from MRHC
 Of urinary obstruction, given infection0.287 (0–0.431)Smith et al. (24)
 Of hydronephrosis, given infection0.228 (0–0.342)Smith et al. (24)
 Of pyelonephritis, given obstruction0.197 (0–0.295)Smith et al. (24)
 Of bacteremia, given pyelonephritis0.143 (0–0.341)Stamm (25)
 Of genital disease, given infection in female0.333 (0–0.500)Gelfand et al. (26)
 Of bladder cancer, given infection0.027 (0–0.041)Smith et al. (24)
 Of intestinal disease, given infection0.133 (0–0.200)Prata (27)
 Of portal fibrosis, given infection0.139 (0–0.209)Cheever and Andrade (28)
 Of ascites, given fibrosis0.070 (0.010–0.100)Andrade (29)
 Of hematemesis, given fibrosis0.027 (0–0.040)Saad et al. (30)
 Of death, given hematemesis0.153 (0–0.230)Reboucas (31)
 Of pulmonary hypertension, given fibrosis0.186 (0–0.230)Prata (27)
 Of cor pulmonale, given fibrosis0.050 (0–0.075)Prata (27)
 Of glomerulonephritis, given fibrosis0.067 (0–0.100)Prata (27)
 Of central nervous system involvement, given infection0.001 (0–0.002)Cheever and Andrade (28)
Standardized mortality ratio for refugees in Canada0.53DesMeules et al. (32)
Mean life expectancy at age 36 yr for Canadians, yr46.7Statistics Canada (33)
Mean life expectancy at age 36 yr for refugees resettled in Canada, yr52.9DesMeules et al., (32) Statistics Canada (33)
Mean survival for patients with glomerulonephritis, yr17.3Heaf et al. (34)
Mean survival for patients with pulmonary hypertension, yr9.4Oswald-Mammosser et al. (35)
Mean survival for patients with bladder cancer, yr5.3Ehdaie et al. (36)
Mean survival for patients with cor pulmonale, yr7.0Opitz et al. (37)
Mean survival for patients with portal hypertension, yr27.8Siramolpiwat et al. (38)
Duration of treatment for infertility, yr4.1Collins et al. (39)
Utility discount rate, %1.5CADTH (40)
Cost discount rate, %1.5CADTH (40)
Mean dose of praziquantel, mg1000Personal communications*
Cost of praziquantel, $47.93 (44.66–51.19)Personal communications*
Cost of serology, $74.09 (61.21–86.97)Personal communications
  • Note: CADTH = Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health, MRHC = Mosaic Refugee Health Clinic, NRCP = National Reference Centre for Parasitology.

  • * Personal communications: David Brewerton, pharmacist, Luke’s Drug Mart, Calgary; Joel Varsava, pharmacist, Pharmacity, Ottawa (for additional detail, see Appendix 1, available at

  • Personal communications: Jayne Jones, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and Mary Kamb, department of public inquiries, Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (for additional detail, see Appendix 1).