Table 3:

Summary of clients’ characteristics by injectable opioid agonist treatment program, with national-level tallies

ProgramTotal no. of client starts; scanNo. of active clients;* scanNo. on wait list; scanAge, yr, mean (range)No. of clients; scan; gender
Scan 1 (Sept. 2018)Scan 2 (Mar. 2019)
Scan 1 (Sept. 2018)Scan 2 (Mar. 2019)Scan 1 (Sept. 2018)Scan 2 (Mar. 2019)Scan 1 (Sept. 2018)Scan 2 (Mar. 2019)Scan 1 (Sept. 2018)Scan 2 (Mar. 2019)FMTFMT
A–D: All PHS programs§286312671190112
E: St. Paul’s Hospital8800260260
F: Crosstown Clinic25929112612534540044 (21–69)44 (21–69)3194139851
G: Vancouver Native Health Clinic101053 (53)010
H: Downtown Community Health Centre7184110051 (36–68)48 (36–68)130470
I: Lookout iOAT Clinic377722180045 (30–61)44 (27–62)41804140
J–L: All Ottawa Inner City Health programs26292222≥ 55≥ 7540 (25–57)43 (25–57)1111012100
M: Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre4522035 (22–48)4180
N: Royal Alexandra Hospital96044 (29–64)330
National-level tallies625781250331≥ 400≥ 58747 (21–69)43 (21–69)491331681431
  • Note: DAM = diacetylmorphine, F= female, iOAT = injectable opioid agonist treatment, M = male, T = transgender or nonbinary, tHDM = tablet hydromorphone.

  • * Clients receiving at least 1 dose of iOAT in the 7 days before the scan reference date. All numbers represent clients receiving liquid hydromorphone except where programs provided DAM or tHDM (tablet iOAT) in addition to liquid hydromorphone; in these cases, the number of active clients receiving DAM and tHDM is reported underneath the total number of active clients, to indicate the size of these specific client groups.

  • There was variable reporting for this gender category across sites.

  • Data not available or data stratified by program not available where more than 1 program was operated by a single organization.

  • § Age and gender data available only at follow-up for the 312 client starts: mean age 41 (20–73) yr, 230 men (74%), 77 women (25%), 5 transgender or nonbinary people (2%).