Table 3:

Telephone follow-up assessment in the 2 groups

ItemGroup; no. (%) of patientsp value
n = 64
Usual care
n = 55
n = 119
Preferences on follow-up0.4
 Use machines and all possible measures including resuscitation (CPR) with a focus on keeping me alive at all costs10 (15.6)16 (29.1)26 (21.8)
 Use machines and all possible measures with a focus on keeping me alive, but if my heart stops, no resuscitation (CPR)5 (7.8)2 (3.6)7 (5.9)
 Use machines only in the short term to see if I will get better, but if the illness is prolonged, change focus to comfort measures only; if my heart stops, no resuscitation (CPR)29 (45.3)19 (34.5)48 (40.3)
 Use full medical care to prolong my life, but if my heart or my breathing stops, no resuscitation (CPR) or breathing machines6 (9.4)5 (9.1)11 (9.2)
 Use comfort measures only with a focus on improving my quality of life and comfort; allow natural death, and no artificial prolongation of life and no resuscitation (CPR)11 (17.2)10 (18.2)21 (17.6)
 Unsure2 (3.1)0 (0.0)2 (1.7)
 Missing1 (1.6)3 (5.4)4 (3.4)
Completeness of GCD in patient’s Green Sleeve*0.47
 Completed61 (95.3)50 (90.9)111 (93.3)
 Not completed3 (4.7)5 (9.1)8 (6.7)
Goal of care on (GCD) form in your Green Sleeve* from telephone assessment0.03
 Intensive care including CPR22 (34.4)33 (60.0)55 (46.2)
 Intensive care excluding CPR21 (32.8)10 (18.2)31 (26.0)
 Intensive care excluding CPR and intubation7 (10.9)4 (7.3)11 (9.2)
 Medical care8 (12.5)3 (5.4)11 (9.2)
 Comfort care only3 (4.7)0 (0.0)3 (2.5)
 Do not know1 (1.6)2 (3.6)3 (2.5)
 Did not do1 (1.6)0 (0.0)1 (0.8)
 Missing1 (1.6)3 (5.4)4 (3.4)
Overall, how satisfied were you with the material presented to you by the GCD navigator or research nurse?
 Slightly dissatisfied2 (3.1)
 Slightly satisfied2 (3.1)
 Moderately satisfied13 (20.3)
 Very satisfied46 (71.9)
 Missing/declined1 (1.6)
How likely are you to recommend this program to others?
 Probably would not recommend1 (1.6)
 Might recommend3 (4.7)
 Probably would recommend14 (21.9)
 Definitely would recommend41 (64.1)
 Missing/declined5 (7.8)
  • Note: CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation, GCD = Goals of Care Determination.

  • * A plastic pocket that holds important documents for advance care planning and other forms that outline a patient’s goals for care. It is given to patients who have had discussions or completed documents that refer to decision-making about their current or future care.