Table 2:

Physician and patient assessment of patient’s decisional conflict in the 2 groups

Decisional conflict itemGroup; mean raw score ± SD*
InterventionUsual care
Physician assessment of decisional conflict
Knows benefits and risks13.8 ± 21.120.8 ± 24.6
Clear what matters most11.0 ± 14.618.4 ± 22.0
Has enough support and advice from family7.6 ±14.510.2 ± 17.2
Has enough support and information from primary care team7.2 ± 12.212.3 ± 21.2
Feels SURE12.7 ± 17.313.2 ± 17.4
Overall decisional conflict10.4 ± 11.714.9 ± 16.9
Patient assessment of decisional conflict
Knows benefits and risks36.9 ± 40.343.3 ± 39.9
Clear what matters most25.8 ± 31.841.3 ± 37.7
Has enough support and advice from family44.5 ± 42.350.5 ± 40.8
Has enough support and information from primary care team29.7 ± 34.346.0 ± 38.3
Feels SURE17.8 ± 27.531.9 ± 36.1
Overall decisional conflict30.9 ± 26.143.1 ± 32.8
  • Note: SD = standard deviation, SURE = Sure of myself, Understand information, Risk–benefit ratio, Encouragement.

  • * On a scale of 0 to 100; lower score = less decisional conflict.