Table 1:

Characteristics of patients with breast (female), colorectal, lung or prostate cancer diagnosed between 2010 and 2015 in Ontario, by primary cancer site

CharacteristicNo. (%) of patients*
Breast cancer
n = 50 141
Colorectal cancer
n = 38 108
Lung cancer
n = 34 809
Prostate cancer
n = 45 258
n = 168 316
Female50 141 (100.0)17 327 (45.5)17 001 (48.8)0 (0.0)84 469 (50.2)
Age at cancer diagnosis, yr
 Mean ± SD61.3 ± 13.768.4 ± 13.368.8 ± 10.467.5 ± 9.566.1 ± 12.4
 Median (IQR)61 (51–71)69 (59–79)69 (62–76)67 (61–74)66 (58–75)
Rural residence6176 (12.3)5642 (14.8)5523 (15.9)6513 (14.4)23 854 (14.2)
Neighbourhood income quintile (2)
 Lowest8497 (16.9)7217 (18.9)8232 (23.6)6934 (15.3)30 880 (18.3)
 Second lowest9608 (19.2)7754 (20.3)7538 (21.7)8442 (18.7)33 342 (19.8)
 Middle9918 (19.8)7705 (20.2)6772 (19.5)8910 (19.7)33 305 (19.8)
 Second highest10 873 (21.7)7804 (20.5)6479 (18.6)9804 (21.7)34 960 (20.8)
 Highest11 048 (22.0)7461 (19.6)5635 (16.2)10 986 (24.3)35 130 (20.9)
 Missing197 (0.4)167 (0.4)153 (0.4)182 (0.4)699 (0.4)
Cancer stage at diagnosis
 I20 759 (41.4)8269 (21.7)6104 (17.5)10 154 (22.4)45 286 (26.9)
 II18 607 (37.1)9124 (23.9)2855 (8.2)22 103 (48.8)52 689 (31.3)
 III6786 (13.5)10 755 (28.2)6989 (20.1)5664 (12.5)30 194 (17.9)
 IV2433 (4.9)6848 (18.0)17 714 (50.9)4058 (9.0)31 053 (18.4)
 Unknown1556 (3.1)3112 (8.2)1147 (3.3)3279 (7.2)9094 (5.4)
Charlson Comorbidity Index score
 013 232 (26.4)20 017 (52.5)13 051 (37.5)17 244 (38.1)63 544 (37.8)
 11896 (3.8)4017 (10.5)3543 (10.2)2529 (5.6)11 985 (7.1)
 ≥ 21215 (2.4)2723 (7.1)3123 (9.0)1832 (4.0)8893 (5.3)
 Not admitted to hospital33 798 (67.4)11 351 (29.8)15 092 (43.4)23 653 (52.3)83 894 (49.8)
Months of follow-up§
 Mean ± SD11.4 ± 2.310.1 ± 3.97.7 ± 4.611.6 ± 1.810.4 ± 3.5
 Median (IQR)12 (12–12)12 (12–12)9 (3–12)12 (12–12)12 (12–12)
Died during follow-up§1782 (3.6)6369 (16.7)17 745 (51.0)1535 (3.4)27 431 (16.3)
Died within 2 yr after diagnosis3557 (7.1)9971 (26.2)23 506 (67.5)3256 (7.2)40 290 (23.9)
Had an entire year of follow-up§46 574 (92.9)29 434 (77.2)15 482 (44.5)42 865 (94.7)134 355 (79.8)
Reason for end of follow-up§
 Died during follow-up1782 (3.6)6369 (16.7)17 745 (51.0)1535 (3.4)27 431 (16.3)
 Had second cancer1787 (3.6)2314 (6.1)1598 (4.6)865 (1.9)6564 (3.9)
 End of 1-yr follow-up46 572 (92.9)29 425 (77.2)15 466 (44.4)42 858 (94.7)134 321 (79.8)
  • Note: CI = confidence interval, IQR = interquartile range, SD = standard deviation.

  • * Except where noted otherwise.

  • Urban = population 10 000 or more, rural = population less than 10 000. (2)

  • Calculated with the use of hospital admission data in the 2 years before cancer diagnosis.

  • § End of follow-up was defined as the earliest of date of death, 1 year after cancer diagnosis or 1 day before the diagnosis of a second cancer.