Table 2:

Participant characteristics

CharacteristicDeliberation; no. (%) of participants
Demographic characteristics
Age, yr
 ≤ 3910001 (2)
 40–4910001 (2)
 50–59598729 (59)
 60–69434415 (31)
 ≥ 7020013 (6)
Highest level of education completed
 No schooling01001 (2)
 Elementary school01001 (2)
 High school22206 (12)
 Completed some postsecondary00044 (8)
 College326213 (26)
 Bachelor’s degree353516 (33)
 Postgraduate training or professional degree41117 (14)
 No response10001 (2)
Income, $
 < 20 00011103 (6)
 20 000–39 99902114 (8)
 40 000–59 99901225 (10)
 60 000–79 999235111 (22)
 80 000–99 99911035 (10)
 ≥ 100 000702312 (24)
Prefer not to answer24129 (18)
Experience with cancer
Personal history of cancer other than breast cancer21126 (12)
History of breast cancer in close family member248519 (39)
Never had mammography (n = 44)*02125 (11)
  • * Women only.