Table 6:

Illustrative quotes from narrative comments provided by women during their intake interview

ItemIllustrative quote*
What would you like people to know that would be helpful for women being released?
 Greater understanding and difficulties of releaseWe’re human and we all make mistakes, and addiction is very powerful. (QOJ)
There is hope for everyone. (BGG)
It’s overwhelming. (TJE)
We are struggling, so be patient. (TYI)
 Need for greater supportWe need help, not to just throw us into society. (TVF)
We don’t get much support, so if someone can help us we would really appreciate it. (UOE)
Write a little bit about how you’re feeling right now
 Excitement, especially related to family; happy and hopefulI feel motivated and blessed to have another chance to be successful and a great mother. (NJA)
I’m happy and glad to have a new start in life. (UNH)
Like I’m being honoured in my head. (KUC)
 Anxiety and fear about uncertaintyHaving a lot of stress not knowing what to expect. (IOD)
Scared, don’t want to go back to the streets. (MFD)
 Mix of emotionsOverwhelmed, anxious, wanting to use, hopeful and excited. (DYF)
Full of anxiety, unsure of the future but hopeful. (OUH)
A little scared but confident I will succeed. (TYJ)
I am between anxiety attacks and feeling happy to have support and someone who is there for me. (CRH)
  • * Three-letter identifiers were assigned to participants.