Table 5:

Responses to the item “It would make a difference in my life if I had …”

ResponseNo. (%) of women
n = 105
Money to buy necessities91 (86.7)
Someone to talk to about the things that worry me90 (85.7)
Housing89 (84.8)
Medical care89 (84.8)
A real friend89 (84.8)
Dependable transportation84 (80.0)
Someone to hassle with agencies when I can’t83 (79.0)
More education82 (78.1)
Healthy food to eat81 (77.1)
Drug or alcohol treatment79 (75.2)
A good job79 (75.2)
More control of my life78 (74.3)
Personal safety78 (74.3)
Enough clothes77 (73.3)
Food76 (72.4)
Freedom from abuse72 (68.6)
Time for fun71 (67.6)
Somewhere else to live67 (63.8)
A good partner65 (61.9)
A dependable relationship64 (61.0)
Legal help63 (60.0)
Someone to lend me money63 (60.0)
A telephone or access to a telephone62 (59.0)
Help with child custody problem61 (58.1)
Time to get enough sleep58 (55.2)
Time to be by myself58 (55.2)
Birth control46 (43.8)