Table 3

Demographics and disease severity of patients with primary biliary cholangitis liver who received a liver transplant in 2010–2015

VariableMale no. (%)Female no. (%)All no. (%)
Age, yr*
 0–17< 5 (13)0
 18–3908 (11)
 40–6413 (54)58 (83)
 ≥ 658 (33)4 (6)
Child–Pugh category
 7–912 (41)
 10–1517 (58)
MELD category
 < 12< 5 (7)
 12–1610 (24)
 17–2212 (29)
 > 22< 5 (39)
  • Note: MELD = model of end-stage liver disease.

  • * These data show the crude unadjusted counts for the liver transplant population by age.

  • Counts ≤ 5 are masked. Percentages were estimated by assuming a count of 3 for the masked category.

  • These data show the distribution of disease severity as measured by Child–Pugh and MELD scores.