Table 1:

EDUCATE program content

1A video presentation about the importance of orthopedic surgeons and other HCPs becoming involved in IPV identification and assistance. The video also introduced the IPV education program. The video is available through
  • Obtain buy-in from the orthopedic community and convince them of the importance of investing time and resources in the IPV education program

  • Inform trainees about what they could expect to receive from the IPV education program

3 minViewed individually at participants’ convenience or as part of the in-person training session, depending on the champion’s preference
2Three interactive online modules that are part of the series entitled “Responding to Domestic Violence in Clinical Settings” available through (22) The modules focus on conveying background knowledge (e.g., definitions, prevalence, dynamics of abusive relationships, barriers to leaving an abusive relationship), as well as clinical skills pertaining to IPV identification and assistance. This training was designed to help trainees achieve competency in identifying and providing assistance to women who have experienced IPV.
  • Provide trainees with core IPV knowledge such as definitions, prevalence, effects of IPV, supportive and nonjudgmental communication

  • Demonstrate appropriate ways of asking women about IPV experiences

  • Provide interactive opportunities for trainees to select from a variety of statements asking women about IPV and to receive feedback on the appropriateness of these statements

  • Demonstrate appropriate ways of providing support and assistance to women experiencing IPV

  • Provide interactive opportunities for trainees to select from a variety of statements providing support and assistance to women experiencing IPV and to receive feedback on the appropriateness of these statements

Approx. 1 hViewed individually at participant’s convenience or as part of the in-person training session, depending on the champion’s preference
3The local IPV champion(s) delivered an in-person PowerPoint presentation that included a lecture explaining how to ask women about IPV in the fracture clinic and provide assistance to women experiencing IPV. This presentation included 2 videos demonstrating IPV identification and assistance within a health care setting, as well as 4 case-based scenarios. Champions were provided with mock cases but were encouraged to discuss real-life cases from their practice, if possible. Trainees were given a chance to role play and discuss how they would respond to these cases in their practice. The presentation concluded with a discussion of local IPV policies, protocols and procedures and community resources. Trainees were then provided with an opportunity to ask questions and have a group discussion about the training content.
  • To consolidate learning from the video and online training and provide trainees with an opportunity to ask questions about any previous aspects of training that were not clear

  • To provide training about how to identify, and provide assistance for, IPV

  • To provide trainees with an opportunity to practise asking about, and providing assistance with, IPV

  • To ensure trainees are knowledgeable about key local resources

  • To consolidate learning through interactive discussion and opportunities to ask questions

Approx. 1 hIn-person group training session led by champion
OngoingLocal IPV champions received bimonthly training updates from the Methods Centre (McMaster University). Local IPV champions were responsible for distributing these updates to trainees (e.g., through presentations at rounds, training meetings, and email).
  • Note: HCP = health care provider, IPV = intimate partner violence.