Table 3: Injection behaviours among those who injected in public in the previous 6 months
CharacteristicNo. (%) of participants
n = 141
Frequency of public injecting
Always (100% of the time)11 (7.8)
Usually (75%-99%)37 (26.2)
Sometimes (25%-74%)43 (30.5)
Occasionally (< 25%)50 (35.5)
Public places injected*
Public washroom90 (63.8)
Park69 (48.9)
Parking lot66 (46.8)
Alley/laneway61 (43.3)
Shelter46 (32.6)
Abandoned building44 (31.2)
Community organization/service provider10 (7.1)
Schoolyard5 (3.5)
Reason for public injecting*†
Convenient to where I hang out98 (69.5)
Homeless56 (39.7)
Too far from home43 (30.5)
Nowhere to inject safely where I buy drugs25 (17.7)
Involved in drug selling19 (13.5)
Engaged in sex work10 (7.1)
Used outdoor water source to prepare drugs or rinse syringes61 (43.3)

*Participants could select all that applied.

†Includes reasons selected by 5% of respondents.