Table 4: Base-case cost-effectiveness results
TreatmentVersus pegylated interferon-ribavirin alone
Total cost, $Total quality adjusted life-yearsIncremental cost, $Incremental quality-adjusted life-yearsIncremental cost utility ratioSequential incremental cost utility ratio, $
Genotype 1: treatment-naive noncirrhosis*
(0) No treatment104 9049.734----
(1) PR48114 13210.839---8 353
(14) PAR/RIT12 + OMB12 + DAS12143 37911.83529 2470.99629 35448 060
(6) SOF12 + LDV12152 76211.85738 6311.01837 951435 528
Genotype 1: treatment-naive cirrhosis*
No treatment101 3557.043----
PR48120 1408.659---11 628
SOF12 + LDV12169 48310.53849 3441.87926 26126 261
Genotype 1: treatment-experienced noncirrhosis*
No treatment104 6689.596----
PR48118 32110.282---ext. dominated
PAR/RIT12 + OMB12 + DAS12142 91711.86824 5971.58615 50616 836
PAR/RIT12 + OMB12 + DAS12 + RBV12145 74311.89827 4221.61616 96593 872
Genotype 1: treatment-experienced cirrhosis*
No treatment101 3557.043----
PR48119 8287.924---ext. dominated
SIM12 PR24-48 RGT148 7809.32628 9531.40220 65520 774
SOF12 + LDV12 + RBV12172 9769.93353 1482.00926 45639 845
SIM12 + SOF12193 0529.96673 2252.04135 870618 881
Genotype 2: treatment-naive noncirrhosis*
PR2499 90411.532----
SOF12 + RBV12143 95511.74944 0510.217203 282203 282
Genotype 2: treatment-naive cirrhosis
No treatment101 3557.043----
PR24112 7679.384---4 876
SOF12 + RBV12159 54110.18146 7730.79758 65958 659
Genotype 2: treatment-experienced noncirrhosis*
No treatment104 6689.596----
SOF12 + RBV12144 02311.75339 3552.15718 24718 247
Genotype 2: treatment-experienced cirrhosis*
No treatment101 3557.043
SOF12 + PR12160 86310.30859 5083.26518 22618 226
Genotype 3: treatment-naive noncirrhosis*
No treatment104 1839.314----
PR48110 38711.156---3 367
DCV12 + SOF12175 98711.83265 6000.67597 15897 158
Genotype 3: treatment-naive cirrhosis
No treatment101 3557.043----
PR48120 8439.335---8 504
SOF24 + RBV24215 43710.36294 5941.02792 11792 117
Genotype 3: treatment-experienced noncirrhosis*
No treatment103 9329.167----
PR48112 30110.8798 3681.7124 8884 888
SOF12 + PR12149 24911.5145 3162.34319 33958 535
DCV12 + SOF12177 47611.7873 5442.61228 151104 857
Genotype 3: treatment-experienced cirrhosis
No treatment101 3557.043-
PR48120 8808.93619 5251.89310 31710 317
SOF12 + PR12163 64710.08262 2923.03920 49637 319
SOF24 + RBV24214 7069.661113 3512.61843 292Dominated
Genotype 4: treatment-naive noncirrhosis*
No treatment104 9049.734----
PR48111 49311.158---4 627
SOF12 + PR12145 73111.69834 2390.5463 42163 421
Genotype 4: treatment-naive cirrhosis
No treatment101 3557.043----
PR48120 0878.608---11 970
SOF24 + RBV24215 28110.20895 1941.659 49259 492
Genotype 4: treatment-experienced noncirrhosis
No treatment104 6689.596---
SOF24 + RBV24201 76311.50397 0951.90750 913NA
Genotype 4: treatment-experienced cirrhosis
No treatment101 3557.043---NA
SOF24 + RBV24215 14210.093113 7873.0537 303

Note: For description of treatment regimens, see Table 1.

*Refer to Appendix 4 for dominated or extendedly dominated treatments.