Table 1: Baseline characteristics of the study population
CharacteristicPatients affected by chemotherapy underdosing, no. (%)*
n = 77
Control group, no. (%)*
n = 74
p value
Male sex39 (52)36 (48)0.9
Age, mean ± SD, yr77 ± 1666 ± 140.7
   Age > 60 yr29 (37.7)24 (32.4)0.5
LDH, mean ± SD408 ± 375394 ± 500.8
WBC, mean ± SD8.2 ± 47.5 ± 30.2
Hemoglobin, g/L, mean ± SD117 ± 22120 ± 210.4
Platelets × 109/L, mean ± SD259 ± 175253 ± 1280.8
Extranodal site involvement > 118 (23.4)18 (24.3)0.9
Stage III/IV53 (68.9)51 (68.8)0.99
B symptoms†44 (57.1)43 (49.4)0.8
ECOG  233 (42.9)36 (49.3)0.4
Elevated LDH52 (67.5)43 (58.1)0.2
High risk (R-IPI score of  3)27 (35.1)28 (37.8)0.5
CHOP-R-based chemotherapy71(92.2)68 (91.9)0.9
Prescribed (intentional) dose reduction23 (30)25 (34.7)0.5
Radiotherapy33 (42.9)34 (46.6)0.5
Febrile neutropenia21 (27.3)15 (20.3)0.3
G-CSF use48 (62.3)38 (53.5)0.3
Progression19 (24.7)20 (27.0)0.7
Death2 (2.6)4 (5.4)0.3

Note: CHOP-R = cyclophosphamide adriamycin, vincristine, prednisone, rituximab; ECOG = Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, G-CSF = granulocytes colony-stimulating factor, LDH = lactate dehydrogenase, R-IPI = revised international prognostic index, WBC = white blood cells.

*Unless otherwise specified.

†Fever greater than 38°C, night sweats, unintentional weight loss of more than 10% body weight over 6 or fewer months.