Table 4: Summary of regression models used in secondary analysis to assess associations between risk factors for traumatic brain injury and injury severity, functional outcome and use of rehabilitation services*
Outcome; contrast (regression type)Association measure (95% CI)Interpretation
Injury severity
Remote v. inland geographic zone 
Beta -2.31 (-4.14 to -0.47)Living in a remote community was associated with higher injury severity (initial GCS score)
Protective equipment use 
Beta 1.19 (-0.30 to 2.69)Although effect size was not statistically significant, it suggests that use of protective equipment was associated with lower injury severity (initial GCS score)
Functional outcome
Protective equipment use 
(proportional odds)
OR 4.79 (1.12 to 20.48)Use of protective equipment was associated with better functional outcomes (6-mo GOS score)
Initial GCS score 
(proportional odds)
OR 1.80 (1.35 to 2.39)Higher initial GCS score was associated with better functional outcomes (6-mo GOS score)
Use of rehabilitation services
Initial GCS score 
(Poisson with robust variance)
RR 0.82 (0.70 to 0.95)Lower initial GCS score was associated with greater use of rehabilitation services
Motor-vehicle collision v. fall 
(Poisson with robust variance)
RR 2.91 (1.04 to 8.17)Being involved in a motor vehicle collision was associated with greater use of rehabilitation services

Note: CI = confidence interval, GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale, GOS = Glasgow Outcome Scale, OR = odds ratio, RR = risk ratio.

*Depending on the model selection results, the following covariates were included in the models: age, sex, initial GCS score, 6-mo GOS score, comorbid conditions, geographic zone, use of rehabilitation services, use of protective equipment, polytrauma status, year of injury and alcohol intoxication status. Appendix 7 (available at shows the full regression model outputs for each of these multiple imputation regression models, along with complete-case regression model outputs for comparison.