Table 3: Summary statistics for subgroup analysis of adults ( 15 yr) in the Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James region admitted to hospital with traumatic brain injury
VariableNo. (%) of patients*
n = 117
Initial post-resuscitation Glasgow Coma Scale scoren = 97
Mean ± SD13.7 ± 2.3
Injury severity (Glasow Coma Scale range)n = 97
Mild (13-15)81 (83.5)
Moderate (9-12)7 (7.2)
Severe (3-8)9 (9.3)
Polytrauman = 97
Yes43 (44.3)
No54 (55.7)
Rehabilitationn = 97
In-patient12 (12.4)
Out-patient (in community)22 (22.7)
Discharge orientationn = 97
Home83 (85.6)
Rehabilitation (in-patient)12 (12.4)
Deceased0 (0)
Long-term care0 (0.0)
Other hospital centre2 (2.1)
Glasgow Outcome Scale scoren = 97
10 (0)
20 (0)
314 (14.4)
452 (53.6)
531 (32.0)
No. of outcome scores assigned by data extractor from interpretation of chart45 (46.4)
Protective equipment usedn = 41
Yes11 (26.8)
No30 (73.2)
Intoxication with alcoholn = 97
Yes43 (44.3)
No54 (55.7)
Missing data20 (17.1)

*Unless stated otherwise.

†A total of 20 cases had missing data for the Glasgow Coma Scale score, Glasgow Outcome Scale score, polytrauma status, use of rehabilitation services and intoxication status. Multiple imputation using chained equations was used for these missing data, and all regression analyses used the pooled data from the imputations.

‡Specific to motor vehicle, off-road vehicle and bicycle crashes.