Table 4: Differences in wait time for patients who underwent bariatric surgery (n = 724)
Covariates*Estimate ± SE, dtp value
(Intercept)334.7 ± 30.364.320.0000
Substance use139.4 ±‡
Age–0.034 ± 0.54–0.080.9
BMI, kg/m2
40–49–11.93 ± 19.40–0.600.5
50–59–2.10 ± 21.7–0.100.9
60+–1.64 ± 26.48–0.060.9
Male22.23 ± 15.691.470.1
Log, distance3.668 ± 4.1420.890.4
Operational period 2†75.25 ± 16.735.44< 0.001‡

Note: BMI = body mass index.
*Baseline covariate values: female, no substance use, 19 years of age, BMI between 35 and 39 kg/m2, lived within a few kilometres of the bariatric centre, and referred or attended orientation in Period 1.
†Binary variable indicating if a patient attended orientation in Period 2. 
‡p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.