Table 2: Demographic information for patients and caregivers who responded to the survey at Stollery Children’s Hospital and the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, February to July 2007
CharacteristicStolleryCHEOBoth sites, no. (%) or mean ± SD
n*No. (%) or mean
± SD
n*No. (%) or mean
± SD
Age, mean ± SD14136.8 ± 9.23140 ± 7.237.4 ± 8.9
Sex, male14322 (15.4)305 (16.7)27 (15.6)
Highest completed level of education14030
No formal education000
Primary school only3 (2.1)03 (1.8)
Secondary school44 (31.4)8 (26.7)52 (30.6)
Registered apprentice or trade7 (5.0)1 (3.3)8 (4.7)
College, CEGEP or other non-university41 (29.3)9 (30.3)50 (29.4)
University, without a degree14 (10.0)1 (3.3)15 (8.8)
University graduate§27 (19.3)11 (36.7)38 (22.4)
Other4 (2.9)04 (2.4)
Annual household income, $12830
< 10 0003 (2.3)03 (1.9)
10 000–19 99910 (7.8)2 (6.7)12 (7.6)
20 000–39 99920 (15.6)2 (6.7)22 (13.9)
40 000–79 99941 (32.0)11 (36.7)52 (32.9)
≥ 80 00054 (42.2)15 (50.0)69 (43.7)
Availability of insurance for CAM14555 (38.7)3121 (67.7)76 (43.9)
Use of CAM in lifetime, yes145105 (72.4)3122 (71.0)127 (72.2)

Note: CAM = complementary and alternative medicine, CEGEP = Collège d’enseignement général et professionnel, CHEO = Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, SD = standard deviation.
*Number of valid responses.
†Significantly higher at CHEO than Stollery (p = 0.008). 
‡Significantly higher at Stollery than CHEO (p = 0.003). 
§Significantly higher at CHEO than Stollery (p = 0.04).
¶Significantly higher at CHEO than Stollery (p = 0.01).