Table 3: Mean total annual payments from all government sources before and after implementation of EMRs for family physicians (FPs) enrolled in EMRALD* and for all other general practitioners/family physicians (GP/FPs) in Ontario during the same period
EMRALD FPsAll other GP/FPs
EMR startNo. who started using EMRsMean annual payment in
pre-EMR yr†
Mean annual payment in post-EMR yr‡% changeNo. of physiciansMean annual payment in same yr as pre-EMR yr†No. of physiciansMean annual payment in same yr as post-EMR yr‡% change
200518191 342351 25183.69 865183 57010 046243 42732.6
200638200 836256 88227.910 129214 02510 149248 38116.1
20078196 967210 0366.610 046243 42710 352273 96212.5
200812257 110347 93835.310 149248 38110 666285 36614.9
200926271 144275 1901.510 352273 96210 872279 9782.2
Total weighted mean223 399285 24027.7233 100266 67914.4

Note: EMR = electronic medical record, EMRALD = Electronic Medical Record Administrative Data Linked Database.
*Family physicians who started using EMR software and were contributing data to this database.
†The pre-EMR year is the full fiscal year before, but not including, the EMR start date.
‡The post-EMR year is the first full fiscal year after the year containing the EMR start date.