Table 1: Cost components and unit costs related to management of prostate cancer (2012 Canadian dollars)
Cost componentsCost per unit, $Source
Component 1
Initial office consultation, urology77RAMQ‡ list (25)
Initial office consultation, radiation oncology133RAMQ‡ list (25)
Component 2
Urologist reimbursement for prostate biopsy78RAMQ‡ list (25)
Prostate biopsy (based on 12-sample needle core)
Pathology158MUHC: unpublished data, 2012
Professional and technical fees183MUHC: unpublished data, 2012
Prostate analysis after surgery (prostatectomy with obturator lymph nodes)
Pathology204MUHC: unpublished data, 2012
Professional and technical fees640MUHC: unpublished data, 2012
PSA test11MUHC: unpublished data, 2012
Component 3
Office visits, urology59RAMQ‡ list (25)
Office visits, radiation oncology44RAMQ‡ list (25)
Urologist reimbursement for radical prostatectomy922RAMQ‡ list (25)
Radiation oncologist reimbursement for radiotherapy
Computed tomography planning and IGRT plan1010RAMQ‡ list (25)
Intensity-modulated radiotherapy session (includes office visit, image fusion and checking)81RAMQ‡ list (25)
Dose planning, ultrasonography guidance and interstitial implant (brachytherapy)735RAMQ‡ list (25)
Component 4
Medication costs (goserelin acetate implant every 3 mo)1088RAMQ‡ list (26)
Nursing (average salary/mo)6667MUHC: unpublished data, 2012
Component 5
Surgical procedure*4547Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux; (27) Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux: unpublished data, 2012§
Brachytherapy procedure (palladium-103) including seeds cost*6700CETS; (28) Canadian Patient Cost Database (29)
Intensity-modulated radiotherapy procedure†7402MUHC: unpublished data, 2012
Component 6
Anesthesia for surgery650MUHC: unpublished data, 2012
Anesthesia for brachytherapy250MUHC: unpublished data, 2012

Note: CETS = Conseil d’évaluation des technologies de la santé du Québec, IGRT = image-guided radiotherapy, MUHC = McGill University Health Centre, PSA = prostate-specific antigen, RAMQ = Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec.
*This amount includes intervention, nursing care, diagnosis and therapeutic services.
†Includes cost of dosimetry (radiotherapist, planning system and information system), physics quality assurance (physicist, physics associates, specialized quality assurance equipment, planning system and information system) and treatment preparation and delivery (radiotherapy, linear accelerator, nurse, information system) equivalent of 38 fractions. This value does not include overheads.
‡The administrator of the public and universal health care insurance program in Quebec. The costs of medical procedures related to treatments and medical visit costs were based on the RAMQ’s billing manual, (25) and the costs of medications were based on the RAMQ’s list of medications approved for public reimbursement. (26) §Details on collected variables can be found in Performance hospitalière (APR-DRG [J57]). (27)