Table 4:

Adjudicated diagnoses by expert physician panel for patients with shortness of breath referred by pharmacists

Diagnosis by expert physician panelNo. (%) of patients
n = 328
Asthma*149 (45.4)
 Definite diagnoses147/149 (98.7)
 Probable diagnoses2/149 (1.3)
COPD*97 (29.6)
 Definite diagnoses94/97 (96.9)
 Probable diagnoses3/97 (3.1)
Other20 (6.1)
 Heart failure9/20 (45.0)
 Restrictive lung diseases or pulmonary hypertension8/20 (40.0)
 Bronchitis2/20 (10.0)
 Obesity1/20 (5.0)
Unknown origin (indeterminate cause for SOB)62 (18.9)
  • Note: COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, SOB = shortness of breath.

  • * A total of 11 patients had both asthma and COPD diagnoses.