Table 2:

Factors associated with externalizing behaviour at age 5

FactorAnalysis type; OR (95% CI)
UnadjustedFully adjusted*
Maternal ACEs, ≥ 42.59 (1.75–3.80)1.98 (1.26–3.11)
Child covariables
Child age, mo1.00 (0.94–1.06)1.02 (0.96–1.08)
Male sex2.43 (1.70–3.49)2.88 (1.92–4.34)
Negative affect (≥ 1 SD on Rothbart scale)3.03 (2.12–4.34)2.41 (1.59–3.67)
Maternal covariables
Maternal age, yr0.99 (0.96–1.03)0.99 (0.95–1.04)
Depression or anxiety
 None (baseline)1.0 (Ref.)1.0 (Ref.)
 Present at 3 yr only1.97 (1.09–3.55)1.53 (0.78–3.03)
 Present at 5 yr only2.80 (1.77–4.43)2.14 (1.27–3.59)
 Present at 3 and 5 yr5.64 (3.69–8.60)4.20 (2.50–7.05)
High maternal neuroticism (≥ 1 SD on Eysenck scale)2.47 (1.69–3.58)0.97 (0.60–1.57)
High ineffective/hostile parenting (≥ 1 SD on parenting scale) at 5 yr7.61 (5.38–10.78)6.27 (4.30–9.14)
Sociodemographic covariables
Family income, per $50 000 increase0.81 (0.70–0.93)0.86 (0.72–1.02)
Minority ethnicity1.01 (0.66–1.56)0.87 (0.52–1.42)
Single-parent or blended family1.62 (0.91–2.86)1.17 (0.59–2.32)
  • Noted: ACE = adverse childhood experience, CI = confidence interval, Eysenck scale = Eysenck Personality

  • Questionnaire Revised, OR = odds ratio, parenting scale = National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, Ref. = reference category, Rothbart scale = Rothbart Child Temperament Scale, SD = standard deviation.

  • * Mutually adjusted for all variables in the model. In the adjusted model, n = 1613, C statistic = 0.8123, Hosmer–Lemeshow goodness-of-fit p value = 0.9.

  • For data on maternal depression or anxiety, age refers to the child’s age.