Table 3: Comparison of physician-reported drugs and doses used in end-of-life care*
Drugs and doses used†Intensified alleviation of pain and other symptoms, No. (%)
n = 1249
Life-ending act without explicit patient request,
No. (%)
n = 66
Euthanasia or assisted suicide, No. (%)
n = 142
Drugsn = 1199n = 65n = 139
Opioids1139 (95.0)61 (93.8)56 (40.3)
  As the only drug703 (58.6)29 (44.6)22 (15.8)
  With benzodiazepines284 (23.7)17 (26.2)20 (14.4)
  With drugs other than benzodiazepines78 (6.5)8 (12.3)3 (2.1)
  With benzodiazepines and other drugs74 (6.2)7 (10.8)11 (7.9)
No opioids60 (5.0)4 (6.1)83 (59.7)
χ2 p value0.2< 0.001
Reported OME opioid doses used in last 24h‡, mgn = 821n = 37n = 44
1–119307 (37.4)14 (37.8)6 (13.6)
120–239267 (32.5)10 (27.0)10 (22.7)
240–479179 (21.8)10 (27.0)21 (47.7)
≥ 48068 (8.3)3 (8.1)7 (15.9)
χ2 p value0.90.04

Note: OME = oral morphine equivalent.
*Administration of drugs for the treatment and management of pain or other symptoms, taking into account a potential life-shortening effect.
†Cases with missing values were excluded from the analysis.
‡Conversion rates were obtained from handbooks and review publications with equianalgesic tables. (14) (17)