Table 3: Uptake of hepatitis C virus treatment during follow-up in the Canadian Co-infection Cohort (n = 669*)
Hazard ratio (95% credible interval)†
Covariate at enrolmentUninformative priors‡Informative centre priors§
Age, per 10 yr increase0.93(0.75–1.1)0.93(0.75–1.1)
Female (v. male)0.61(0.38–0.93)0.59(0.37–0.91)
Aboriginal (v. other)0.57(0.29–1.1)0.56(0.28–1.0)
HCV genotype 2, 3 (v. other or unknown)1.8(1.2–2.6)1.8(1.2–2.6)
Not on antiretroviral therapy (v. receiving therapy)0.82(0.54–1.2)0.83(0.54–1.2)
CD4 cell count, per 100 cells/uL1.1(1.0–1.1)1.1(1.0–1.1)
Duration of HCV infection, per 10-yr increase0.84(0.71–0.99)0.83(0.71–0.99)
Ever used crack or cocaine (v. never used)0.63(0.44–0.90)0.61(0.43–0.86)
Psychiatric diagnosis¶ (v. no diagnosis)1.2(0.86–1.6)1.2(0.86–1.6)
Currently homeless (v. not homeless)0.91(0.54–1.5)0.93(0.53–1.6)
Current alcohol use (v. no current use)0.90(0.65–1.2)0.89(0.65–1.2)

Note: HCV = hepatitis C virus.
*Of the 681 patients followed after enrolment, 12 were excluded from this analysis because either their CD4 cell count or the duration of their HCV infection was not known at enrolment.
†Calculated using the Weibull time-to-event model.
‡Estimated centre variance 0.87 (95% credible interval 0.49–1.5).
§Estimated centre variance 0.90 (95% credible interval 0.49–1.5).
¶A diagnosis in medical records of depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or personality disorder; or a patient report of past psychiatric hospital admission.