Table 2: Multilevel model of unadjusted and adjusted variation in use of peritoneal dialysis, at the facility and geographic levels *
Level of variation; intraclass correlation coefficient,%
ModelGeographic regionFacility
Peritoneal dialysis at 90 days
Fully adjusted3.49.3
Peritoneal dialysis at initiation of therapy
Fully adjusted4.011.4
Peritoneal dialysis at any time
Fully adjusted2.07.7

*The analysis involved 13 geographic regions, 56 facilities and 31 778 patients. The fully adjusted model included the following covariates: for facility-level factors, percentage of patients with a central venous catheter, transplantation facility, mean serum hemoglobin and phosphate, mean distance of patient’s residence from nearest dialysis centre and number of patients served; for patient case mix, age, sex, body mass index, ethnic origin, comorbidities, distance to facility, length of predialysis care, serum hemoglobin, serum phosphate and serum albumin. The reduced model included the following covariates: for facility-level factors, percentage of patients with a central venous catheter; and for patient case mix, age, sex, body mass index, ethnic origin, cause of end-stage renal disease, comorbidities, distance to facility, length of predialysis care, serum hemoglobin and serum phosphate.